~~~ Ramana Rao's INFORMATION FLOW ~~~ Issue 2.9 ~~~ Sep 2003 ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Information Flow is an opt-in monthly newsletter. Your email address was entered on www.ramanarao.com or www.inxight.com. You may forward this issue in its entirety. Send me your thoughts and questions: [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ IN THIS ISSUE ~~~ September 2003 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Introduction * The 4th Vertex, Communities of Practice, ... * 49 Classics cont. ~~~ Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Many of you, no doubt, see the irony in the practice for managing and consuming information feeds I published last month. I myself don't supply Information Flow as an RSS feed. Many blog tools and content management systems support automatically creating RSS feeds, but so far I've been manually assembling newsletter and web site content. Each month I keep thinking I should invest in automating. The new RSS requirement has pushed me over the edge. One consequence is that I haven't been able to "think" about new topics for this issue. Rather I've made it more of a "link" issue (ala Eric Raymond's thinker vs. linker distinction). In particular, in the first article, I provide links to concepts related to the 4th Vertex, particularly Communities of Practice. This is the sixth issue of selecting candidates for the 49 Classics. It's been a challenging effort, particularly because at some point, I felt compelled to pick papers that are available on the Web. I'd love to hear your feedback on the list and particular papers. What would you do to tidy this project up? ~~~ The 4th Vertex, Communities of Practice, ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When I talk about the 4th Vertex, I get two typical reactions. One is a blank stare. Hmm, I guess it's early in the formulation of the concept, and whether or not it coheres remains to be seen. The other is the question, "Is this just about online communities?" Yes, but I'd strike the "just." ~> Information Flow 2.7, The 4th Vertex http://www.ramanarao.com/informationflow/archive/2003-07.html Along this line, other related concepts are finding me. I ran across a blog entry (~>) that connects the 4th Vertex to the concept of Communities of Practice (CoP). This is a concept I'm quite familiar with because of overlap at PARC with several of its pioneers including Etienne Wenger. ~> Word up - It's the A-Dawg: The 4th Vertex of Innovation http://www.octapod.org/adam/mt/archives/000462.html A recent article, co-authored by Wenger, defines a community of practice as "a group of people informally bound together by shared expertise and passion for a joint enterprise." A number of other definitions (~>) get at common elements of CoPs as groups that form around a purpose, a problem, or an interest and that share knowledge, evolve common practices, and learn together. ~> Communities of Practice: The Organizational Frontier, Etienne Wenger and William M. Snyder, Harvard Business Review, 2000 http://www.ramanarao.com/cgi-bin/book.cgi?isbn=B00005RZ9V ~> Definitions of Communities of Practice http://www.co-i-l.com/coil/knowledge-garden/cop/definitions.shtml As one of the most grounded and useful concepts in Knowledge Management, the concept of CoPs is well worth understanding (~>). Clearly, CoPs are related to the 4th Vertex. CoPs are everywhere and they have existed for long before the Internet. They operate within the institutions of government, commerce, and academia, and also in the public space of the 4th Vertex. However, the direction of my own wide-eyed watching is on understanding how the 4th Vertex is being or can be energized into a completely different quality of activity and level of effectiveness. Thus, the focus is on particular kinds of CoPs or groups: * they form and operate on the matrix of the open network, unclassified and outside the firewall * they attack problems or have missions that take serious dedication and resource * they depend crucially on the resources and actions of individuals outside of their roles in the triangle institutions * they aren't possible without a shared global space for supporting interaction and sharing information Certainly, many of the mechanisms and opportunities around new technologies and practices apply equally to any arena in which CoPs operate. But my sense is that not all do. That there are new opportunities in finding the right social processes on a much larger scale. Each of the following three articles explore related ideas, directly or indirectly. All three of the authors regularly write remarkable essays. ~> Hackers and Painters http://www.paulgraham.com/hp.html note: "the day job" [thanks to Jaime Guerrero ] ~> Phil Agre Reflects on Bio of Vaclav Havel http://commons.somewhere.com/rre/2003/RRE.Vaclav.Havel.html note: "Issue Entrepreneuring" ~> Shirky: Fame vs Fortune: Micropayments and Free Content http://www.shirky.com/writings/fame_vs_fortune.html note: "artists with printing presses" A number of readers have been pointing me at 4th Vertex projects. ~> spaceshipEARTH mission http://spaceshipearth.org/ABOUTSE/aboutse.html [thanks to Robert Blumberg] ~> Humanity's Option For Success http://www.bfi.org/option.htm ~> CharityFocus: http://my.charityfocus.org/my/login/ [thanks to Chris Duffeld] ~> dot-org acquires dot-com http://charityfocus.org/about/press/index.php?pg=pp ~> Half-Bakery: http://www.halfbakery.com/ [thanks to Alex Shapiro] ~> Extensive Related Resources http://www.halfbakery.com/editorial/links.html ~~~ Communities of Practice Links ~> Communities of Practice (CoP): Selected Readings http://home.att.net/~discon/KM/CoPReadings.htm ~> Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity, Etienne Wenger, 1999 http://www.ramanarao.com/cgi-bin/book.cgi?isbn=0521663636 ~> Organizational learning and communities-of-practice: Toward a unified view of working, learning, and innovation, John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid, 1991 http://www2.parc.com/ops/members/brown/papers/orglearning.html ~> Communities of Practice: Learning As a Social System, Etienne Wenger, 1998 http://www.co-i-l.com/coil/knowledge-garden/cop/lss.shtml ~> Nurturing Three Dimensional Communities of Practice: How to get the most out of human networks, Richard McDermott, 1999 http://home.att.net/~discon/KM/Dimensions.pdf ~> The Quest for Collective Intelligence, George Por, 1995 http://www.vision-nest.com/cbw/Quest.html ~~~ 49 Classics cont. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The 49 Classics should be coming into the home stretch by raw numbers. However, over the six issues so far, I've been very unsure on my criteria for selection. The last several months, I've looked for papers that are available on the web that carry important ideas that connect to Information Flow. In the next few months, I will have to shift into a new phase for wrapping this project up. Your thoughts on this would be helpful. ACM generally allows its authors to distribute their own papers as long as they include the ACM notices. However, I wasn't able to find the last two papers this month on the Web. At least the titles and the ACM reference pages are telling. ~> Vernor Vinge on the Singularity http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~phoenix/vinge/vinge-sing.html ~> Designing for usability: key principles and what designers think, John D. Gould , Clayton Lewis, CACM, March 1985 http://www.research.ibm.com/compsci/spotlight/hci/p300-gould.pdf ~> Minimizing Ecological Gaps in Interface Design, John C. Thomas and Wendy A. Kellogg, IEEE Software, Jan/Feb 1989 ~> Rooms: The use of multiple virtual workspaces to reduce space contention in a window-based graphical user interface, Austin Henderson and Stuart Card, 1986 http://www2.parc.com/istl/.../UIR-1986-01-Henderson-TOG-Rooms.pdf ~> Spatial Hypertext: Designing for Change, Cathy Marshall, Frank Shipman, CACM, 1995 http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/...zp88-marshall.pdf/spatial-hypertext-designing-for.pdf ~> How do People Organize their Desks? Implications for the Design of Office Information Systems, Thomas Malone, 1983 http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/357423.357430 ~> How a personal document's intended use or purpose affects its classification in an office, Barbara Kwasnik, 1989 http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/75334.75356 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ramana Rao is Founder and CTO of Inxight Software, Inc. Copyright (c) 2003 Ramana Rao. All Rights Reserved. You may forward this issue in its entirety. 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